e mërkurë, 1 gusht 2007

The Obama campaign continues to move full speed ahead!

Last Week, two major Congressional endorsements from the Northeast: Representative Steve Rothman (NJ) and Representative Paul Hodes (NH). Representative Rothman will serve as a Northeast Regional Co-Chair for the campaign. Rep. Hodes is the first member of the New Hampshire delegation to endorse a candidate in this race so his support means a great deal to Senator Obama.

On Thursday, Senator Obama received a standing ovation at the College Democrats’ Convention in Columbia, SC. Young Democrats are hungry for a candidate who not only values their voice, but encourages them speak out and get involved. Senator Obama can and will do just that. http://www.thestate.com/local/story/130002.html

Senator Obama traveled to St. Louis on Friday and spoke at the National Urban League Conference before going on to host three events in Iowa over the weekend.

Today, Senator Obama delivers a speech in Washington, DC, laying out his comprehensive strategy to fight terrorism worldwide.

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Anonim tha...

Obama article, re: enquiry from Camada

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