e hënë, 7 maj 2007

We're on the Move, Connecticut!

This train is rolling down the tracks going faster by the day. We're on the move Connecticut! Listed below are the statewide and regional activities that are coming up in May and early June. Click on the calendar to the left for full details.

  • May 19th -- we're off to Manchester, New Hampshire for a fabulous kick-off to start canvassing with Barack Obama.
  • June 2nd -- we're going to spread the word, the support and more at the Celebrate! West Hartford.
  • June 9th -- In Pine Lot, Ansonia CT, our community leaders will take the leadership walk for change.
  • June 9th -- In New Haven CT, we're going to meetup and participate in our first CT canvas and fundraiser!

Don't See a Canvas in Your Town -- Start One of Your Own!

Just think, on June 9th all over America a nation-wide canvas will take place in neighborhoods like yours and mine. If you can't be in New Haven or Ansonia, why not start a walk in your own town or area and participate in this great canvas. Go to www.barackobama.com and click on the nation-wide canvas Walk for Change; enter your zip code and follow the prompts to start your own canvass in your neighborhood. Let us know the details and we'll help you get the word out and in any other way that we can. Plus, you can post your event on our CT Calendar in addition to the Obama campaign web site.

Wondering How to Organize a Canvass?

Check out the wonderful and detailed canvas materials, tips and tools that the Obama Campaign has posted on their web site. These resources are fantastic and ready to print out for future reference. http://my.barackobama.com/page/content/0609resources#

All the Best.

Val McCall, Volunteer Chair CT Grass Roots Organizing


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