e martë, 24 korrik 2007

18 in '08, Addressing Apathy Among Young Voters

Dear fellow teachers, Westonites, former Westonites, and all those interested in politics: I am forwarding you information on a documentary about the importance of the youth vote entitled "18 in '08." This documentary was created by one of my former students, David Burstein, (Weston High School '06) and it has already been receiving national press coverage (see link below to ABC). David's primary goal is to address the apathy that many young people feel toward politics and the political system, give voice to their concerns, and ultimately encourage them to vote. Help David spread the word about his documentary and keep your eye out for a screening. -- Donna. See David's bog at http://www.im18in08.blogspot.com.


18 in '08 is really getting into gear, we're preparing for many screenings in the next few months, a relaunch of our website next month, and other exciting events. The response we have been getting is tremendous. With the primary season heating up, there is no better time to engage and mobilize the youth of my generation, I wanted to take a minute to share with you a really wonderful piece that was on the ABC World News Webcast.I hope you can all check it out, and I look forward to your feedback! Please pass this on to anyone you think might be interested! Here's the link.I'm not sure how long it will be up, but soon you will be able to download it as part of the ABC World News Webcast on iTunes. http://abcnews.go.com/Video/playerIndex?id=3405568.-- David Burstein

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