e diel, 10 qershor 2007

Congratulations on A Great Canvass

The pouring rain may have dimmed the skies but it did not damper our hearts and our resolve to be a part of history and walk for change!

We were 33 in number, ranging from our precious tiny tots to our revered seniors. We knocked on 300 doors, talked to over 100 people, raised a little over $400, and added eleven new volunteers.

Our canvassers were fearless

Walking in the rain, papers getting wet, holding signs that got soggy -- nothing stopped our fearless canvassers. A special thank you to our canvass volunteers who arrived extra early and set up our venue! There were those who stood in the rain for an hour, holding signs to help attendees find their way to our venue with ease. Last minute items were needed and our volunteers jumped to the task. Through everyone's combined efforts, our first Connecticut canvass was a total success! A lot of pre-canvass preparation was done -- especially our Canvass Captains. The maps that took long hours and many days of trial and error; the coffee, donuts and water/snacks to keep us hydrated and energized; the late night teleconferences wracking our brains as to where, when and how the canvass would take place; and all the running around to get all the things we needed to make sure our canvass was a success. THANK YOU ALL!

Achieving Fantastic Results: Taking Us to the Next Step

Our plan is to make Connecticut SIZZLE this summer with as many Obama activities as we can generate in as many areas as we can.

Get on the Canvass Train: Yesterday, we set in motion the preliminary organizing necessary to launch five more canvasses (so far) coupled with fundraising in New Britain, Hartford, Bridgeport, New Haven #2 and Stratford -- with Fairfield on the horizon at the end of the summer. The first five are planned to take place in July. Become a canvass volunteer and help create maps, do site set up, help other groups across the state organize their canvass activities in their local neighborhoods, towns and cities -- sign up at http://my.barackobama.com/page/group/CanvassCT.

Statewide Voter Registration Drive: We will add this to our canvass, as well as plan a series of voter registration drives in densely populated areas -- especially where there are lots of independent voters. A group has been set up for Connecticut on the official Obama web site. Look for the group on the official web site and be sure to sign up.

Letters! We Need Lots and Lots of Letters: Our CT letter writing campaign is underway -- see details at http://my.barackobama.com/page/event/detail/4jwqc. There's lots of immediate attention that needs to be done there. Some of the media are resorting to tactics that don't even rise to the level of yellow journalism -- especially nationally syndicated NY Times columnist, Maureen Dowd, referring to Sen. Obama as "Obambi" and "boy Wonder." It's time to start writing and blogging it out. Check out Obama Rapid Response group at: http://my.barackobama.com/page/group/ObamaRapidResponse. The purpose of this group is to "Help monitor misinformation and negative political spin about Barack Obama. And organize efforts to respectfully contact media outlets."
There's something for everyone! If you want help in getting your idea organized and off and running -- no matter what part of Connecticut you are in -- in the words of James Taylor and others, all you have to do is call me and I'll be there.

Is there a group in your Town? Want a group in your town/city or your neighborhood? Want a CT group about an issue you are passionate about? Start one. Go online to the official Obama web site and start one at http://www.barackobama.com/

Stay Up-To-Date with Activities in Connecticut.
If you have not joined as yet, please go online to the Barack Obama for President '08-Connecticut Chapter at http://my.barackobama.com/page/group/BarackObamaforPresident08-ConnecticutCha
and join. This way, when notices of events and activities go out, you will get them immediately. Planning an event in your group? Let us know and we'll help get the word out and assist you with anything else you need.

Let's Go! Connecticut!

Val McCall, State Chair
CT Obama Grass Roots Organizing
(860) 995-3364.

2 komente:

Anonim tha...

I just heard Chris Murphy speak. He had two comments that made me think: One, that so many senators are on the campaign trail that it is becoming difficult to move legislation through the legislature. Two, that all the candidates currently running have opted out of public financing because it isn't enough money. That the presidetial race is all about who can raise the most money.

These are troubling issues to me. If I donate to a candidate's campaign, am I contributing to a system that is undermining my congresses ability to do its work? Am I undermining progress towards campaign finance reform?

I'd like to read other peoples' thoughts on these issues.


Val McCall tha...

My method of finding out what a Senator is doing, how they are voting, etc., is to go to their Senate page. Senator Obama's Senate web site is at http://obama.senate.gov/.