e enjte, 7 qershor 2007

Less than 2 Days To Go To New Haven

This afternoon, all the canvass leaders had a wonderful and inspiring conference call with Senator Obama. It was great! I have to say that each time I hear Sen. Obama express his commitment and determination to work to bring about positive change in our nation, I am so delighted to be a part of this grass roots movement.

There are over 1000 canvasses taking place all over America on June 9th with over 10,000 people participating. This is fabulous and unprecedented in pre-primary campaign history.

The Weather:

64-66 in the early morning with a 30% chance of precipitation/showers. It will warm up to 77 degrees by midday. The UV index will be high -- so even though it will be cloudy off and on in the am, be sure to bring or wear sunblock to protect yourself.

Don't bring a lot of personal items -- pare down what you normaly carry.

We'll provide the water and snacks.

See you all on Saturday in New Haven.

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